A Day for Lovers

This has been one of the coldest weeks in recent memory, here in the Big Apple.  So, I’m looking for gloves to warm my hands, cups of tea to warm my tummy, and ideas to warm my heart….and I have a great one!
If you’ve been thinking about a small ceremony or private elopement in New York, why not step it up and have a ceremony on Valentine’s Day?!   And to the first couple approaching me about such a celebration, I would like to offer my services, for free!   Let me help you create a sweet, wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime wedding on the most romantic day of the year.
Interested?  Contact me at info@weddingsbysarahritchie.com or 917-282-6562.


Whether your wedding is an impromptu affair or has been months, or even years, in the making, I want to help you fashion a ceremony that reflects your history, philosophy, creativity, personality, and style – as individuals and as a couple.

Let’s craft a wonderful, meaning-filled ceremony that expresses the most significant aspect of your lives…one that recognizes the profound commitment you are making, as well as the sheer joy of the occasion.