On holiday in my native Oklahoma, I’ve been milling around for special, locally-influenced gifts for friends and loved ones back in New York. As I strolled Campus Corner on Boyd Street in Norman, I came across Lucca, which featured chic apparel, make-up and skin products, gift items, and the requisite OU memorabilia.
I noticed a beautiful abalone shell with sage, for smudging. I immediately purchased two sets—one for myself and one for a friend who appreciates Native American history. I was brought back to a 2018 wedding at Central Park’s Bethesda Arcade. In brainstorming with the nature-inspired couple, they suggested that we hold a smudging ceremony to clear the energy of our sacred space prior to the ceremony. I quickly purchased a smudging “kit” with shell and white sage. In my rush, I did so online, I’m embarrassed to admit. Regardless, this and other features of the day made it a special ceremony, indeed.
Given my attachment to Oklahoma and its rich Native American history, I am eager to use my beautiful new abalone shell and sage from our great state. While it is a fabulous luxury that these days, we, as consumers, can get any item at any time, isn’t it nice when you feel a greater connection to the object? I encourage you to visit “I Love Lucca,” a welcoming airy shop with delightful assistants. And, even if you don’t live in Norman, you can buy their products…online!
p.s. In addition to the shop at 319 Boyd Street in Norman, they have shops in Edmond, Quail Spring Malls and in Tulsa.