Surprise! We Eloped at the Top of the Rock!

Photos by Gianna Leo Falcon


To use the term elopement, these days, can mean a number of things—a private or micro wedding in another state or country…perhaps followed by a celebration back home.  This idea is appealing to young people seeking to avoid the hassles of a larger wedding.  It’s also a great option for folks who are blending families or have been previously married.  Often the couple has shared their happy news of eloping before the big day.  In other cases, a post ceremony announcement will be made via social media.  A recent Scottish couple had a old-fashioned twist on the idea of sneaking away to America to marry.

Our couple made their way from the Scottish Highlands to marry at the Top of the Rock, in early January with Christmas decorations still festooning the City.  The groom was fully kilted up and the bride carried heather, a traditional flower from home.    The couple owns and operates a restaurant in Scotland, so I made sure to gift them with a Scottish Quaich, to mark the occasion.  The Quaich is a two-handled cup, generally made of pewter or sterling silver that is used for shared drinks at important holidays and celebrations, including weddings.  I hope it will become a treasured family keepsake for the newly married couple. 

Here’s my favorite part of their wedding story.   Before they left home, a confidante was deputized to mail letters to close family members and friends, due to arrive on the wedding date.  On the outside of the envelope, instructions were made—do not open until 8 p.m.  In the envelope was an announcement of the couple’s new marriage and plans for a forthcoming celebration home.  So many ways to get married…and they are all superb!


Whether your wedding is an impromptu affair or has been months, or even years, in the making, I want to help you fashion a ceremony that reflects your history, philosophy, creativity, personality, and style – as individuals and as a couple.

Let’s craft a wonderful, meaning-filled ceremony that expresses the most significant aspect of your lives…one that recognizes the profound commitment you are making, as well as the sheer joy of the occasion.