Whether you are having a private ceremony or a gathering of hundreds, John Mazlish Wedding Photography is an outstanding choice for your wedding. As John proudly states:
“I’m not your ordinary photographer. I prefer to get right in the mix, joining the festivities in order to capture all the joy and emotion from an insider’s perspective. I’ll do whatever it takes to get a great shot, be it dancing with Grandma, running barefoot down the beach, or joining the conga line with camera in hand.”
John’s photos are uniquely spirited, capturing the mood of the festivities and the uniqueness of the location, be it Central Park, a formal venue in New York City, or the beach at the Hamptons.
John offers a variety of “packages,” to offer flexibility in the planning process. A co-creator of your meaningful photographs, John works tirelessly to get those “perfect shots.” In addition, he is unusually speedy in preparing your photos for viewing. Your wedding album will be unlike any you have ever seen. Gone are the days of family “line-ups” serving as your “keepsake memories.” John adds:
“The bottom line is this: I love people and am a born romantic. I find weddings to be incredibly rich and stimulating canvases for creating beautiful, memorable images.”
John Mazlish Wedding Photography will offer pictures beyond your wildest dreams, ones that will take you back to your wedding celebration again and again. To see more of John’s work visit John Mazlish Wedding Photography.